Default locale
Fallback locales
Defined 135
These messages are correctly translated into the given locale.
Locale | Domain | Times used | Message ID | Message Preview |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.registerTitle | Sign up |
en-GB | messages | 1 | proxa_form.notValidStreetHouseNumberMessage | Please enter a house number. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | general.noscriptNotice | To be able to use the full range of Shopware 6, we recommend activating Javascript in your browser. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | | /en/Employee |
en-GB | messages | 1 | proxaEmployee.registration.title | Employee-registration |
en-GB | messages | 1 | | /en/Legal-notices/ |
en-GB | messages | 2 | daimler.serviceMenu.provider.title | Provider |
en-GB | messages | 1 | | /en/Privacy/ |
en-GB | messages | 2 | daimler.serviceMenu.privacy.title | Privacy |
en-GB | messages | 1 | | /en/Help-FAQ/ |
en-GB | messages | 2 | | Help |
en-GB | messages | 1 | | /en/Contact/ |
en-GB | messages | 2 | | Contact |
en-GB | messages | 1 | | /en/About-us/ |
en-GB | messages | 2 | daimler.serviceMenu.aboutUs.title | About us |
en-GB | messages | 2 | header.logoLink | Go to homepage |
en-GB | messages | 2 | general.menuLink | Menu |
en-GB | messages | 2 | header.searchPlaceholder | Find gear, brands & more... |
en-GB | messages | 2 | header.searchButton | Search |
en-GB | messages | 2 | header.wishlist | Wishlist |
en-GB | messages | 3 | account.myAccount | My account |
en-GB | messages | 2 | general.offcanvasCloseMenu | Close menu |
en-GB | messages | 3 | account.loginSubmit | Login |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.orRegister | or |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.orRegisterLink | sign up |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.overviewLink | Overview |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.profileLink | Your profile |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.addressLink | Addresses |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.paymentLink | Payment methods |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.ordersLink | Orders |
en-GB | messages | 2 | PayonePayment.cardPage.menuName | Credit Cards |
en-GB | messages | 2 | checkout.cartTitle | Shopping cart |
en-GB | messages | 1 | general.categories | Categories |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.loginHeader | I'm a customer already |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.loginFormDescription | Log in with email address and password |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.loginMailLabel | Your email address |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.loginMailPlaceholder | Email address |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.loginPasswordLabel | Your password |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.loginPasswordPlaceholder | Password |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.loginPasswordRecover | I have forgotten my password. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.registerAdvantagesHeader | Login advantages: |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.registerAdvantage1 | Express shopping |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.registerAdvantage2 | Save your data and settings |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.registerAdvantage3 | Order overview and shipping information |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.registerAdvantage4 | Manage your newsletter subscription |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.registerPersonalHeader | I'm a new customer |
en-GB | messages | 1 | proxaEmployee.account.RegisterLinkForEmployee | <b>Employees of Daimler Truck AG and Mercedes-Benz AG please register <a class="card-notice-link" href="">here</a> for an employee account.</b> |
en-GB | messages | 4 | account.personalTypeLabel | I am |
en-GB | messages | 28 | general.required | * |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.personalTypePrivate | Private |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.personalTypeBusiness | Commercial |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.personalSalutationLabel | Salutation |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.personalSalutationPlaceholder | Enter salutation... |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.personalFirstNameLabel | First name |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.personalFirstNamePlaceholder | Enter first name... |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.personalLastNameLabel | Last name |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.personalLastNamePlaceholder | Enter last name... |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.companyNameLabel | Company |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.companyNamePlaceholder | Enter company... |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.companyDepartmentLabel | Department |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.companyDepartmentPlaceholder | Enter department... |
en-GB | messages | 2 | KlarnaPayment.entityType.label | Legal form |
en-GB | messages | 2 | KlarnaPayment.entityType.placeholder | Please select... |
en-GB | messages | 2 | KlarnaPayment.entityType.LIMITED_COMPANY | Limited liability company |
en-GB | messages | 2 | KlarnaPayment.entityType.PUBLIC_LIMITED_COMPANY | Public limited company |
en-GB | messages | 2 | KlarnaPayment.entityType.ENTREPRENEURIAL_COMPANY | Entrepreneurial company (with limited liability) |
en-GB | messages | 2 | KlarnaPayment.entityType.LIMITED_PARTNERSHIP_LIMITED_COMPANY | Limited liability company and limited partnership |
en-GB | messages | 2 | KlarnaPayment.entityType.LIMITED_PARTNERSHIP | Limited partnership |
en-GB | messages | 2 | KlarnaPayment.entityType.GENERAL_PARTNERSHIP | General partnership |
en-GB | messages | 2 | KlarnaPayment.entityType.REGISTERED_SOLE_TRADER | Registered sole trader |
en-GB | messages | 2 | KlarnaPayment.entityType.SOLE_TRADER | Sole trader |
en-GB | messages | 2 | KlarnaPayment.entityType.CIVIL_LAW_PARTNERSHIP | Civil law partnership |
en-GB | messages | 2 | KlarnaPayment.entityType.PUBLIC_INSTITUTION | Public institution |
en-GB | messages | 2 | KlarnaPayment.entityType.OTHER | Other |
en-GB | messages | 2 | KlarnaPayment.registrationId.label | Registration ID |
en-GB | messages | 2 | KlarnaPayment.registrationId.placeholder | Enter registration ID... |
en-GB | messages | 1 | address.companyVatLabel | VAT Reg.No. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | address.companyVatPlaceholder | VAT Reg.No. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.personalMailLabel | email address |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.personalMailPlaceholder | new email address... |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.personalMailConfirmationLabel | Email confirmation |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.personalMailConfirmationPlaceholder | Please enter your email address once again... |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.personalMailConfirmationInvalidMessage | Email addresses do not match. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.personalPasswordLabel | Password |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.personalPasswordPlaceholder | Enter password... |
en-GB | messages | 2 |
[ "%minLength%" => "8" ] [ "%minLength%" => "8" ] |
Passwords must have a minimum length of 8 characters. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.personalPasswordConfirmationLabel | Password confirmation |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.personalPasswordConfirmationPlaceholder | Please enter your password once again... |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.personalPasswordConfirmationInvalidMessage | The passwords you have entered do not match. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.registerAddressBillingHeader | Your address |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.streetLabel | Street address |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.streetPlaceholder | Enter street address... |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.zipcodeLabel | Postal code |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.zipcodePlaceholder | Enter postal code... |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.cityLabel | City |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.cityPlaceholder | Enter city... |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.countryLabel | Country |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.countryPlaceholder | Select country... |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.countryStateLabel | State |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.countryStatePlaceholder | Select state... |
en-GB | messages | 2 | proxa-international-phone-number.countries.Germany | Germany |
en-GB | messages | 2 | proxa-international-phone-number.countries.France | France |
en-GB | messages | 2 | proxa-international-phone-number.countries.Italy | Italy |
en-GB | messages | 2 | proxa-international-phone-number.countries.Spain | Spain |
en-GB | messages | 2 | proxa-international-phone-number.countries.Portugal | Portugal |
en-GB | messages | 2 | proxa-international-phone-number.countries.Finland | Finland |
en-GB | messages | 2 | proxa-international-phone-number.countries.Sweden | Sweden |
en-GB | messages | 2 | proxa-international-phone-number.countries.Switzerland | Switzerland |
en-GB | messages | 2 | proxa-international-phone-number.countries.Belgium | Belgium |
en-GB | messages | 2 | proxa-international-phone-number.countries.Slovenia | Slovenia |
en-GB | messages | 2 | proxa-international-phone-number.countries.Romania | Romania |
en-GB | messages | 2 | proxa-international-phone-number.countries.CzechRepublic | Czech Republic |
en-GB | messages | 2 | proxa-international-phone-number.countries.Slovakia | Slovakia |
en-GB | messages | 2 | proxa-international-phone-number.countries.Netherlands | Netherlands |
en-GB | messages | 2 | proxa-international-phone-number.countries.Poland | Poland |
en-GB | messages | 2 | proxa-international-phone-number.countries.Austria | Austria |
en-GB | messages | 2 | proxa-international-phone-number.selectLabel | Phone |
en-GB | messages | 2 | proxa-international-phone-number.selectPlaceholder | Select telephone area code |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.phoneNumberLabel | Telephone number (without area code) |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.phoneNumberPlaceholder | Enter phone number... |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.registerDifferentShipping | Shipping and billing address do not match. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.registerAddressShippingHeader | Alternative shipping address |
en-GB | messages | 1 | general.privacyTitle | Privacy |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%url%" => "/staging/en/widgets/cms/936f41338bbc40c3853cbec03bd8f856" "%privacyUrl%" => "/staging/en/widgets/cms/936f41338bbc40c3853cbec03bd8f856" "%tosUrl%" => "/staging/en/widgets/cms/caf2c1626a3d43f79c574c7b065e1d09" ] |
Here you can find our <a data-toggle="modal" data-url="/staging/en/widgets/cms/936f41338bbc40c3853cbec03bd8f856" href="/staging/en/widgets/cms/936f41338bbc40c3853cbec03bd8f856" title="Data protection information">privacy policy</a> for the processing of your personal data. |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%url%" => "/staging/en/widgets/cms/936f41338bbc40c3853cbec03bd8f856" ] |
By opening a customer account, you consent to the processing of your personal data by Daimler Truck AG for the purpose of creating and maintaining an ongoing customer account. Your data will not be passed on to third parties in this context. For further information on the processing of your personal data and your data protection rights, please refer to our <a data-toggle="modal" data-url="/staging/en/widgets/cms/936f41338bbc40c3853cbec03bd8f856" href="/staging/en/widgets/cms/936f41338bbc40c3853cbec03bd8f856" title="Privacy">Privacy statement.</a> |
en-GB | messages | 1 | general.requiredFields | Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.registerSubmit | Continue |
en-GB | messages | 1 | daimler.scrollUp.btnText | To the top |
en-GB | messages | 1 | daimler.footer.paymentIcons.title | Pay securely with: |
en-GB | messages | 2 | | Visa |
en-GB | messages | 2 | daimler.footer.paymentIcons.mastercard | Mastercard |
en-GB | messages | 2 | daimler.footer.paymentIcons.klarna | Klarna |
en-GB | messages | 1 | footer.copyrightInfo | © 2024. Daimler Truck AG. All rights reserved. (Provider) |
en-GB | messages | 1 | daimler.footer.trademarkAlt | trademark |
en-GB | messages | 1 | daimler.footer.trademark | and Mercedes-Benz are trademarks of Mercedes-Benz Group AG. |
Fallback 0
These messages are not available for the given locale but Symfony found them in the fallback locale catalog.
No fallback translation messages were used.
Missing 0
These messages are not available for the given locale and cannot be found in the fallback locales. Add them to the translation catalogue to avoid Symfony outputting untranslated contents.
There are no messages of this category.